TUS Management of Labour

Hello everyone,



This is the page for the Management of Labour students. Each week, we will update you on information, messages and material for the course.

Best of luck with the module, we hope that you all enjoy it and please contact us if you run into any problems.




This module enables students to explore and understand the basic features of the employment relationship and how this is reflected in management theory and practice, and in worker responses.

On completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Understand how the employment relationship operates and the problem of the ‘right to manage’
  • Demonstrate a basic knowledge of theories of worker behaviour and labour management, and their relation to trade union organisation
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the main features in the development of labour management practices today
  • Use a variety of case studies and documents, and be able to contribute to the development and promotion of a trade union response


Williams, S (2017) Introducing Employment Relations: A Critical Approach, 4th ed., Oxford University Press [ISBN: 9780198777120]

Wallace, J., Gunnigle, P., Mcmahaon, G. & O’Sullivan, M. (2013) Industrial Relations In Ireland, 4th ed., Gill Education

This is a core module in the Trade Union Studies Certificate programme worth 10 credits. It will be offered once every two years in each fixed location either by way of ten 3-hour night classes; 5 full day classes or a combination of each.


Click here for a link to the below podcast which is relevant to the entire course content.

Researcher and University lecturer Deirdre Curran from the National University of Ireland, Galway. Deirdre joins the host William Corless to provide insights on fairness and justice at work. They discuss the many aspects of this topic that we should all consider, especially leaders. The conversation covers the human impact when fairness and justice is absent, the mechanisms at play and it also discusses power imbalance.


Recent Article:

Please see link to an article in relation to Employer Organisation Stratis (who were set up by an ex IBEC official Brendan McGinty).

This article encapsulates a lot of what we were talking about in class in relation to Employer Organisations, Control of Time, Control of Effort and Control of Pay.

Reference: Miley, I. (2021): Remote work could trigger return to piecework pay. RTE News, 26 March 2021, [date dowloaded]