This 6 day Health and Safety Course aims to task all participants with an understanding of the importance of being Health and Safety aware in the workplace. The topics we will cover will ensure that the participant has an understanding of the current legislation in place in Ireland regarding Health and Safety (Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005). This Act will be placed within a historical and legal context to allow us to understand how the Act developed and how the legislation works. As outlined by the Act we will explore the Health & Safety obligations of the employer and employee. Furthermore we will examine the role of the Safety Representative, also the Health and Safety Authority (the body tasked with implementing the Act) and their inspectors.
We will conduct an in depth exploration of the Safety Statement which is an essential document all workers should familiarise themselves with in their workplace. Importantly we will define risks, hazards, how to identify hazards and complete a risk assessment.
Three points of assessment will be undertaken by each student. These are an in-class assignment on hazard identification, risk assessment, a short written exam and finally a workplace written project on hazard identification & risk assessment will be submitted by each student following the course. Assessment will be further explained in the Introduction module.
The course will be taught in an interactive manner and we encourage participants to engage in class discussions and relate what they learn back to their own workplaces in a practical manner. Ultimately we aim to raise awareness of the importance of Health and Safety and ensure that each worker goes to work safe and returns from work safe.