All SIPTU Courses

Health and Safety – Level 6

Health and Safety – Level 6 SIPTU is committed to the highest possible standards of safety, health and welfare of its members at work. In this course, participants will explore the following topics. Evaluating the factors involved in the...


Online Labour History material

This is a work in progress!  We hope to build a distance module in Labour History and this space will be the on-line support.  While we’re working on it you can view some of the materials and links – not in any particular order and...


Industrial Relations in Practice

Welcome to ‘Industrial Relations in Practice’ on!  It was a pleasure to work with you all through our Return-to-Learn days and our first residential in Castlebar.  I hope you are all looking forward to the rest of the...


Jump Start

Jump Start is a return-to-learn programme designed by SIPTU to enable SIPTU members to return to education and to get maximum advantage from any educational programme.  It is an 8 week programme usually delivered one evening a week.  Contact your...


Educate to Organise

Educate to Organise is an initiative aimed at developing a critical understanding of social, economic and political issues in order to build capacity to effect positive change. It is a programme produced by trade unionists, for trade unionists...